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Thursday, April 30, 2015
Victory hold onto Delpierre
RVP set for Man United start
Get Fit, Fast: Your 30-Minute Workout Plan!
What to Expect With Relapsing-Remitting MS
4 Ways I Trick Myself Into 4 Workouts a Week
This Winter I fell off the fitness train. Big time. I could tell you all the excuses that kept me from my workouts: my treadmill was broken (OK, so just the readout didn't work), it was way too cold to run or ski outside (holy crap, those -10 degree days were insane!), or that I was too busy baking to make it to my favorite hot yoga classes. Excuses, excuses! Really the reason was that with a full-time job, taking care of my family and all those household chores, it seemed impossible (and exhausting!) to squeeze workouts in.
It was time to get real. I mean an hour during the day doesn't just fall into your lap! If I wanted workouts to happen, I had to make them a priority, and for me, that meant penciling them into my schedule so they were as important as any of the other appointments I had on my calendar. Here's how I was able to trick myself into getting in four workouts a week.
I Finally Said Yes
A running buddy's relay partner for an upcoming marathon had to back out because of an injury, and she was desperate for a new partner. In my 15 years of running, the only race I've ever done was a 5K, so I said, "What the hell?" Knowing I have to be ready to run 13.1 miles by the end of my training sure makes fitting in those weekly workouts nonnegotiable. The other day I woke up to 36 degrees and flurries. Normally I would have said "F that!," but I knew I had to work on hills that day. Then a week later, I did a five-miler in the rain. I hated pretty much every step, being pelted with drop in my eyes, but afterward, I was damn proud of myself. And it felt good writing it down in bright orange on my calendar (another little motivating trick).
The Alarm Is Set
The time change was crucial in getting my workouts in, and I'm taking advantage of the early morning light. Three times a week, I set my alarm for 5:45 a.m., and without even thinking, I slip on my workout clothes that I've laid out the night before, eat half a banana with some water, and get outside for a run. I'm not going to lie - in the beginning, it felt like torture, pulling myself from my warm blanket cocoon, but within five or 10 minutes of my workout, I was totally into it and loving the quiet serenity of my still-sleeping neighborhood. Now when the alarm goes off, I can't ignore it. Even if I want to sleep in, I can't. My brain wakes up, my dog, Reuben, wags his tail excitedly, and I know I can't let myself or him down.
Sundays Are My Day
I've been teaching yoga classes on and off since 1999, but after two pregnancies and mommyhood in full force, it was a little too much to keep up with. I finally committed to Sundays at 9 a.m., and since I demonstrate the poses while I teach and I get to pick what we work on, I get in a great practice. My hubby watches the kids, and my friends come to the class, so it's something I look forward to every week. And because I'm the teacher, skipping out is not an option.
It's All About the Gear, Baby
Jewelry, expensive shoes and clothes, vacations - those aren't my thing. But splurging on new fitness gear? Now that really gets me excited. After every workout, I put a dollar in a jar ($5 for superlong workouts). Then every month or so I empty the jar and get a new top, a pair of capris, or a pair of kicks. And this Summer, I may add a mountain bike or GPS watch to my fitness gear family. On a day-to-day basis, the gear inspires me because I'm psyched to try it out. And with more expensive gear, I want to get my money's worth, so that motivates me too. Getting new gear is the best healthy reward! I work out, then I get new gear, which in turn gets me excited for more working out, and the cycle keeps going and going.
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How The Avengers' Cobie Smulders Got In Kick-Butt Shape
The Magic Number to Remember on Your Cheat Day
According to Chris and Heidi Powell, the celebrity-trainer power couple on the ABC show Extreme Weight Loss, "Anytime you deprive yourself of food, or of anything, all you want is what you can't have!" This is one of the major reasons that cheat days - or what the Powells prefer to call "reward days" - are built into their clients' weight-loss plans.
While these indulgent days can be part of a healthy weight-loss plan, the Powells don't recommend a calorie free-for-all at breakfast, lunch, and dinner! The magic number for Heidi and Chris is 1,000. One day a week, many of the Powells' clients are allowed to have "up to 1,000 extra calories of whatever kind of food they want." This reward helps clients "stick to the plan for a longer period of time and see results forever." Heidi and Chris believe these rewards are essential so we never feel guilt when we indulge; when guilt is eliminated, dieters can make a permanent shift and reshape old habits.
There is one limitation: the 1,000-calorie reward cannot be a trigger food. You know, those foods that easily lead to an out-of-control or out-of-body overeating experience. Trigger foods tend to be calorie-dense, sugar-rich, and carb-heavy, and it's important to recognize which foods trigger you in this way. The couple recommends their clients stay away from the foods that lead to the "slippery slope" of overeating, since they "put you in a state where you can't control yourself." Once you're aware (and steer clear) of the foods that affect you in this way, those 1,000 calories are up for grabs!
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Why You're Dreading Going To That New Fitness Class
Overuse vs. Traumatic Injuries
An athlete encounters injuries that are caused by either an acute trauma or overuse. The traumatic injury is violent and sudden, such as sprains, lacerations, torn ligaments, pulled muscles or broken bones by a fall. Immediate professional treatment is usually … Continue reading →
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New FREE CECs–Trainer CE Refresher Course
NFPT is very excited to announce another way to earn free CECs! NFPT’s Trainer CE Refresher Course will be a brand new way for you as an NFPT trainer to earn 1.0 CEC from in this simple course. We’re here to … Continue reading →
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Summer Refreshment: 18 Cucumber Recipes to Beat the Heat
Cucumbers don't just hydrate - there's more to this nutritious treat. Cucumbers are a good source of vitamin C and fiber, not to mention silica, which is responsible for healthy tissue, bones, and skin. Luckily, Summer is the perfect time to enjoy this refreshing veggie. Check out these 18 cucumber recipes that will help you beat the heat!
- Additional reporting by Aemilia Madden
The Exercise That Tones Your Butt And Thighs
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Soccer fan dies after attack in Brazil
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Our Favorite Healthy Gifts For Mom
Mom spends all year taking care of her family, so Mother's Day is the perfect time to give her something that keeps her health and happiness a top priority. These fun, delicious, useful gifts are sure to inspire a healthy habit or feed a fit obsession!
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Clutch Life Pancake Recipes
Chelsea all but over the line in EPL
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This Snacking Habit Is Fewer Calories Than You Think
Surprising news: we may be overestimating how many calories we eat. The New York Times reports that, according to nutrition experts, healthy eaters may be consuming several hundred calories fewer than they think.
The problem lies in the way that calories are counted, which is based on a system from the 1800s that fails to take into account how many calories are lost when we digest foods that are harder to break down, especially those that contain a lot of protein or fiber, like nuts. If your healthy snacking habits include a handful of nuts (and there are many weight-loss reasons to eat them), here's the good news: one serving of 23 almonds is actually 120 calories instead of 160 calories as they are currently labeled - 40 fewer calories than previously thought. While these calorie savings shouldn't give you license to grab a second helping all the time, if you're trying to lose weight by eating right and counting calories, small savings like this can help you reach your goals.
The Link Between Adult ADHD and Risky Behavior
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10 Ways to Guarantee You Get Up For That A.M. Workout
"Exercising early in the morning jump-starts your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours and energizes you for the day," says Jennifer Sherman, a Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor and Head Coach at Peloton Cycle in New York City. And while you may be tempted to sleep in, there are ways to make sure you get moving before you have time to come up with an excuse not to. Here, 10 of the best from some of the country's top trainers.
1. Snooze
No, not the snooze button. "Get enough sleep the night before so you're well-rested," says Sherman. Better yet, "move your alarm clock out of arm's reach. This way you will actually have to get out of your warm bed to turn it off."
2. Pair Up
"Scheduling your sweat session with a friend is a great way to ensure you get your butt out of bed for that a.m. workout," says Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body. "When you know someone is counting on you, you'll be far less likely to bail."
3. Get Competitive
Rosante suggests making a bet with one of your girlfriends. "Plan to work out five times per week for six weeks," he says. "For each planned day, you'll each put a pre-determined amount of money into a 'pot.' Something like five bucks is great. The first person to bail on a session loses and the winner gets the cash. Watching that pool grow as your body tones is pretty addictive. If you both last all six weeks, take the money and go out to celebrate with a great meal."
4. Style Yourself
Workout clothes are so cute-and even cuter when you take the time to plan out your morning look the night before. "Be a few steps ahead in order to get out the door seamlessly," says Sherman. "Take a few minutes the night before to lay out your workout gear, charge up the iPod and have your water bottle filled and ready."
5. Be Patient . . .
"Half the battle is simply starting," says Liz Arredondo, an instructor at Be Shri Yoga. "In my early days, a teacher said to me, 'Just give it 10 minutes.' Just make it through that first 10 minutes and you'll have forgotten all the doubt and sluggishness of the start of your morning sweat sessions. You blood will be moving and you'll feel better."
6. And Be Gentle
"Morning bodies are very tight and need time to wake up," says Arredondo. "We sleep in all kinds of terrible, misaligned positions and most of us wake up a bit stiff. Let your body wake up with some slow, deep breathing paired with gentle stretches before you start moving more actively."
7. Make Yourself Accountable
"Post on social media that tomorrow you are going to go to Barry's Bootcamp, SoulCycle, yoga, whatever it may be and invite your friends to meet you there," says LA-based trainer Astrid Swan. "If you don't show, and they do, well, social media will be all over it!" In other words, #dontbail.
8. Prep Your Breakfast
Swan suggests preparing a make-ahead breakfast the night before. She prefers overnight oats for energy: Mix almond milk, acai, maca, and banana in a blender, then add chia seeds and oats; put in a mason jar and place in fridge overnight. "You will wake up to a healthy, filling breakfast so you can take on the sweat and the rest of the day," she says.
9. Take the "Work" Out
"Make it fun," says Arredondo. "Put on a good playlist. Spotify is great if you don't love making your own, and find a class or a video that you enjoy."
10. Stay Honest
"Are you dreading the schlep to the gym? Are you tired from staying up too late?" asks Rosante. "Do you feel like you just don't know what kind of workout to do? Spend a few minutes thinking about why you have such a hard time committing to your a.m. workouts and you can easily figure out a solution that's perfect for you. You may realize it's time to ditch the gym membership and just start crushing simple workouts right in your living room."
Easy. Done. Now go get #UpNOut!
The Definitive Guide to Covering Up a Poop Smell
5 CrossFit-Inspired Exercises To Make You A Better Runner
5 CrossFit-Inspired Exercises To Make You A Better Runner

Well: Exploring Why Some People Get Fitter Than Others
Fitness training solutions courses
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Greatist Workout of the Day: April 29th, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
'I know I am going to win the fight'
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Save Yourself From $5 Bags of Frozen Berries With This Tip
With the farmers market in full bloom, I'm often guilty of going overboard when it comes to buying produce. After years of (sadly) throwing out moldy strawberries and brown bananas, I've learned a simple trick that saves money, reduces waste, and ensures that there are always fruits and veggies in my house. Instead of throwing out rotting fruit, I now freeze my produce, which preserves its nutritional content and also halts the ripening process. Frozen produce can last in the freezer for up to a year, and the actual freezing process is remarkably simple to do.
If there's an abundant amount of produce in the house, estimate how much you'll need to last the week and then freeze the rest. Keep in mind that produce is best frozen when it's perfectly ripe.
When it comes to fruit, wash, peel, and dice before freezing. Put the fruit slices onto a cookie sheet and freeze overnight, then transfer the frozen fruit pieces into moisture-proof containers. By first freezing fruit on a cookie sheet, you avoid ending up with a massive block of frozen fruit later. Although I freeze fresh fruit as is, you can use sugar to maintain a fruit's flavor, color, and texture if you won't be using it soon after freezing. Lemon juice can also be used to preserve the color of fruits that would normally brown when exposed to air, like apples or pears. There's a ton of ways to use frozen fruit, but I love adding it to smoothies, oatmeal, and in fresh sauces, marinades, or salad dressings.
Before freezing vegetables, it's highly recommended that you blanch them first. Blanching halts the action of vegetable enzymes, which cause veggies to lose their color, flavor, and texture. Keep in mind that blanching time varies depending on the vegetable, and you want to make sure that veggies are cooled before you freeze them. Vegetables that you freeze at home can be cooked in the exact same way you would use frozen vegetables from the grocery store.
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Your 4-Week Plan For Flat Abs, No Crunches Required
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- 19 songs perfect for a relaxing yoga session - Women's Health
- Eat these foods to make sure you're getting enough magnesium - Health
- What to do when you've hit a weight-loss plateau - Cooking Light
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You'll Want to Skip the Studio Once You See These Beachy Yoga Pics
Somehow doing yoga on the soft, warm sand, gazing up at sapphire blue skies and breathing in the fresh ocean air with the sunshine kissing your skin, makes you feel stronger, more serene, and more at one with yourself and the world. The next time you find yourself on the beach, try one of these inspiring yoga poses.
Exercise of the Week: Vertical Lever Row
Emphasis The primary muscles stressed in this movement are the muscles in your upper back (latissimus dorsi and rhomboids). The secondary muscles stressed are the shoulders and biceps. Starting Position Adjust the seat and chest pad to the position designated … Continue reading →
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The Celebrity Green Smoothie Secret That Keeps You Fuller, Longer
The Best Exercises to Prevent Running Injuries
If you're a runner, chances are you've experienced a running-related injury or two. "The most common issues I've seen from runners include knee pain, shin splints, tight hip flexors, and IT bands," says trainer Eric Chen, who's spent years teaching injury prevention classes. "Most of these injuries can be prevented with regular foam rolling, increasing range of motion, and adequate rest." All it takes is a few minutes a few times a week, Eric says, to strengthen weak areas of the body, so you can run without pain. He shared with us his five favorite exercises that help keep runners injury free. Bonus: you can do the first two almost anywhere, anytime - starting right now!
Throughout the Day
1. Toe Flutters
Raising and lowering your toes activates the tibialis muscle, which runs along your shin bone. You can do these toe flutters while sitting at your desk or standing against a wall (ideally without shoes with heels on). Do these three times a day to "strengthen and increase range of motion to prevent those shin splints," Eric recommends.
- Sit in a chair or stand against the wall with feet flat on the ground.
- Keeping your heels on the ground, lift and lower your toes in a quick motion. Try to keep your toes from touching the ground the whole time, if possible.
- Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.
2. Wall Drags
If your normal day involves you hunched over your desk, this exercise is for you. It may seem simple, but it is an excellent way to open up your chest, fix your posture, and make running feel easier. "The muscles in the shoulders and neck are actually pretty important for running, because everything's connected, and you get a lot of arm drive from them," Eric explains. "Just by doing [wall drags] once a day, you'll activate those muscles that rarely ever get touched if you're sitting at a computer."
- Stand against the wall with your head, shoulder blades, and butt touching the wall (move your feet out slightly, so they aren't touching the wall).
- Bend your elbows 90 degrees, so your arms are out on each side of your body, pointing up, so your body looks like a goal post.
- Slowly drag your arms up the wall, and keep reaching until they are straight and next to your ears. Make sure your shoulder blades maintain contact with the wall the whole time you are doing this.
- Drag your arms back down so that they are back to a 90-degree angle, engaging the muscles in your shoulders, so they stay in contact with the wall.
- Repeat for one minute.
After doing wall drags, Eric recommends one minute of wall flaps, as well. Start at the same position, with arms at 90 degrees pointing up and backs of hands touching the wall. Then hinge them over at the elbow, so they are making 90-degree angles but are now facing down and palms are flat against the wall. Repeat for one minute.
During Your Workout
Supplement the above do-anywhere exercises with these moves you can add to any workout. Doing these at least two times a week will increase your range of motion and strengthen important muscles, Eric says.
Greatist Workout of the Day: Tuesday, April 28th
Monday, April 27, 2015
Summer's Delicious Flat-Belly Secret: These 7 Debloating Foods
Flat-belly season is around the corner, so if you're shaping up for the season, you're in luck: some of Summer's freshest and tastiest produce will help you debloat and slim down to help you feel your best all Summer long. Take a look at how your favorite fresh produce will help you stay on track and meet even the most impressive bikini goals.
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This Yoga Sequence Will Loosen Up Insanely Tight Hamstrings
Running and crazy-tight hamstrings seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly, but it doesn't have to be that way! Hop on your mat after a run and do this short yoga sequence. It not only targets the backs of the legs, but also increases flexibility in the lower back and hips - opening those areas is essential to decreasing tightness in the hamstrings.
Hot-Weather Running Gear That'll Have You Begging For Sun
It's finally time to strip off those Winter layers, but hot-weather running has its own set of problems. After all, beating the heat when it's already baking outside can be hard, especially since you'll feel 20 degrees warmer than the actual temperature when you run! Investing in sweat-wicking and cooling performance gear is key to staying safe and feeling great during your Summer runs. These 10 cute picks do it right.
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Core-Carving Burpee Variations That Will Transform Your Abs
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