Title: The English Bulldog's Health Has Gone to the Dogs
Category: Health News
Created: 7/29/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/29/2016 12:00:00 AM

Everyone desires to lose weight, have a slim and toned body and get a healthy and fit lifestyle. A few valuable tips can help you make changes to your lifestyle and lose those extra pounds. Learning personal trainer courses in Estepona is an easy option, wherein you allow a fitness expert to guide you through this process.
The most important meal of your day is breakfast. Ensure that you have a heavy and healthy breakfast consisting of fresh fruit or juice, eggs, oats, brown bread sandwich etc. A breakfast that is high in protein and fiber keeps you feeling full till the next meal and you are less likely to reach out for unhealthy snacking items. Personal Trainer Courses Estepona teach their students proper nutrition advice.
Nutrition experts at the Estepona personal training certification recommend you must have smaller meals during the day. This ensures that your body gets only as much food as it requires. The food is digested easily and there are less chances of overeating.
Do different types of exercises at least thrice a week. If you have a personal trainer in Estepona, get an exercise schedule charted out for you and get involved in doing squats, cardio, skipping, weights and running.
If you are someone who cannot find time to exercise regularly due to your schedule, this is one great option to lose weight. Avoid taking the lift and walk up and down the stairs as many times as you can. It helps in working out all muscles of your lower body.
Many a times our body mistakes thirst for hunger. Whenever you feel hungry, drink a glass or two of water and wait for some time. Chances are that you will feel full and not have any hunger pangs for some time. Drinking lots of water also helps flush out toxins from the body.
Drinks such as soda, tea, coffee, cola etc contain large amounts of sugar. Cut down your consumption of these drinks and notice a considerable difference in your weight.
Avoid having cakes, candies or ice creams as dessert and replace them with fresh fruit or mixed fresh fruit salad.
High fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, oats, brown rice, wholegrain bread, cereals etc help you feel full and aid digestion, thus helping the weight loss process.
Keep some dry fruits, fresh fruits or fruit juice ready for those hunger cravings that you get at night. Avoid eating sweetened or oily items since they are responsible for fat accumulation and weight gain.
Find a friend who is keen on losing weight and share your weight loss goals with him/her. You can do workouts together or go for brisk walks. Your workout buddy can be your motivation for whenever you feel discouraged. You can even do quite a number of physical activities together such as high intensity football, basketball, tennis, relay racing or swimming.
There are numerous ways in which you can achieve weight loss by making small changes to your lifestyle. Since Estepona fitness experts are qualified and have experience in the fitness industry, hiring an Estepona personal trainer can help you lose weight faster and maintain a slim and fit body.
The post Personal Trainer Courses Estepona – Fitness Training Certifications appeared first on Personal Trainers Training.
Today I'm going to share with you the same sales script I have been using for over a decade.
I paid a high-end sales consultant to create it for me, it cost me a few thousand dollars, but the money it's generated my fitness businesses has paid me back a 1000 times over.
Once I learned this simple sales process selling became easy, so easy that I would easily convert 9 out of every 10 leads into a paying client.
(Please note: I only use this method for 1-1 personal training, I use another system for boot camps, which I'll explain in another article).
One of the reasons this sales script works so well is because it's so natural, when you follow the script it's just like sitting down with a friend chatting over a coffee. People hate pushy sales people, people don't want to be sold to… people want to buy. There is a big difference!
Whenever someone tries to sell me anything my guard goes up and I can't get away quick enough, but I have no problem buying from someone if they have the solution I need.
If a trainer is too pushy it stinks of desperation, so I recommend you use the 'consultative selling' approach.
The consultative selling approach is where you ask a series of qualifying questions that will establish if what you have to offer will be a good fit for them.
By 'pulling back' slightly your prospect will subconsciously want to train with you even more (humans want what they can't have).
The prospect should be speaking 70% of the time, the one who does the least talking is in control of the conversation (and you should be the one in control).
Always be asking them questions, if they ask you a question give them a brief answer and ask them why that question is important to them – turn it around so they're talking again.
The more questions you ask the more they talk, the more they talk, the more pain you'll find, the more pain you find the more likely they'll begin training. The only reason you won't make a sale is because you've failed to find their pain!
What's great about this method is that we can eliminate all their objections before they occur. Here are some of the most popular;
I will always qualify my prospect over the phone, then meet with them for a face to face consultation.
By asking your prospect a set of qualifying questions over the phone you can weed out the tyre kickers and only meet with the best leads.
There are 3 things we need to establish before we meet with a prospect face to face;
Get their name at the beginning of the call and use it throughout the conversation to build rapport.
“Thanks for calling {name}. In order to help me with your enquiry do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
Get their permission to ask questions early on they will be more open to you.
“How can I help you today?”
They will give you a basic answer like 'I want a personal trainer', but we need to dig deeper and find out their real reason, the thing that keeps them up at night worrying.
“So, why do you want to hire a personal trainer?”
Now they'll give you an answer like “I want to lose weight' or “I want to build muscle'. But we want to know the real reason.
“Why do you want to lose weight?”
“Why do you want to build muscle?”
So we keep asking; why, what, where and how questions to keep digging further…
“Why do you want to lose weight?”
“What will happen if you don't lose weight?”
“Where would you like to lose the weight?”
“How will you feel if you don't lose weight?”
(Make sure you write everything down for later use).
The 'real reason' they're calling will be because…
These are the real reasons, the emotional reasons, the things that keep them up at night worrying. And this is what you need to uncover.
Keep asking them open-ended questions;
“There are lot's of people 20 pounds overweight, why is it important you lose it?”
“How will it make you feel in 12 months if you're still 20 pounds overweight?”
Ideally you want to find prospects with a BIG REASON WHY, these people will do whatever it takes to get in shape and will follow your program closely.
Next we want to make sure they're willing to invest in our program, can they're afford our services and do they have the time and energy to follow the program?
You don't want to come across as though it's all about the money, so keep mixing in questions that you'll need to know anyway like the time of day and what town they'd like to train in.
“You'll need to train at least 3 times per week, is this something you can do?”
“To reach your goals you'll need to follow the program for at least 3-months, is this something you're willing to do?”
“The price will be approximately $400-$500 per month, is this within your budget?”
O.k. so we've discovered their pain and if they're willing to invest in the program. Now it's time for them to make a decision.
“If we met for a consultation do you need to discuss with your wife/husband/partner to get started or is the decision up to you?”
(If they do need to discuss with someone else, ask them to speak with the person before booking a consultation or get them to bring them along as well).
“So, I have the following time slots available to meet for a consultation (give them 3-4 different options). What works best for you?
Never get too attached to the sale and always be willing to walk away if the prospect doesn't meet your criteria.
Whenever I have broken my own set of rules I've always regretted it. Not all clients are equal and you must actively weed out anyone that will be a pain in the arse to deal with later on.
Click the like button below to download the sales script, use it as a guide and try not to read it word for word… the more sales presentations you'll do the more natural it will become.
Using the set of notes I took during the telephone call I run through everything we have already discussed. I continue discussing their pain/pleasure points to get them back in an emotional state (people buy on emotion NOT logic).
I then begin setting timeframes and mapping out a plan of action we'll take together, this will get them excited.
Then I ask them the following question (this is really important for the close);
“What are you looking for from a personal trainer?”
They will give you list like; 'I need someone to motivate me”, “I need someone to help with my nutrition”, “I need someone to show me what to do” etc.
Take your pen and paper and as they run through their list say…
“yep I can do that”
“yes – I'll motivate you”
“yes – I have nutrition plans for you to follow”.
By pre-qualifying your prospects over the phone, removing all their objections early before they arise, and meeting all their criteria for what they're looking for in a personal trainer, I can use an assumptive close.
Wikipedia: Assumptive close: also known as the presumptive close, in which the salesperson intentionally assumes that the prospect has already agreed to buy, and wraps up the sale.
Now is the time to book them in for their first session and to fill in the PARQ, credit card details and any other info you need.
“So {name}, I have the following timeslots available (give them 3-4 options), what day is best for you?”
Like I said earlier, following this sales script I closed at least 9 out of every 10 prospects, take some time to learn it, the more practice you get the natural your delivery will become, the more natural it becomes the confident you'll get and closing sales presentations becomes easy!
The post Close 9 out of 10 Leads With The EPTI Personal Training Sales Script appeared first on European Personal Training Institute.
It may seem obvious, but a genuine smile is the easiest way to break the ice when meeting a potential client. According to “Psychology Today,” a smile is contagious. It makes you appear more attractive and less threatening to others, and smiling releases happy hormones that relieve stress and put you at ease. Your prospect will pick up on your relaxed and happy vibe and reflect it back to you with a genuine smile of their own.
Potential clients want reassurance that they are putting their health in the hands of a trustworthy professional. Professionalism is hard to define, but it is reflected in your behavior, speech, appearance and non-verbal cues. Good grooming and pride in your personal appearance, good manners, correct grammar and steering clear of slang and profanity are all ways to present yourself as a professional.
Open body language sends a non-verbal cue to others that you are not a threat, and that you can be trusted. Sitting or standing with arms and legs uncrossed and palms open and relaxed puts others at ease. Relaxed and prolonged eye contact shows you are genuinely interested in others and in what they have to say. Good eye contact also lets others know you have nothing to hide, and that you can be trusted.
Getting a clear understanding of why your prospect is interested in you and your services is fundamental to sales. Asking specific open-ended questions will prompt your potential client to open up about their reasons for seeking you out. This in turn will equip you to answer any objections that crop up later on in your sales interview.
Tooting your own horn and talking at your prospect rather than conversing with them are two of the quickest ways to lose a sale. Instead, focus on your prospect, not only as a potential client, but as a human being. Find out who they are and what they are interested in. Do they have a family, or pets? What do they like to do for fun? By making your customer the star of the show, you are letting them know that you care about them as a person, and that they are not just a number.
When you listen carefully to what your prospect is saying, you show demonstrate respect and concern for their needs. Attentive listening is the first step to building a trusting long-term relationship with your new client.
Unless you work in a bank, your prospect did not come to talk to you about money. They came to learn more about your products or services, and to decide whether they want to do business with you. Focusing on the costs rather than the benefits is a sure way to squash your sale. Relax and enjoy your interaction, and don't worry about the money.
Selling your services or products is an inevitable part of business. W.I.T.S. has the sales tools you need to succeed as a fitness practitioner. The W.I.T.S. Fitness Management Certification course offers countless tips and strategies for growing your business through new sales. Continuing education courses that focus on sales can also be found in our Fitness Business Institute. Try one of the following: Promotion and Sales Basics; Identifying Your Products and Services; Setting Prices for Profitability; Developing Your Business Strategy; Establishing Your Brand and Image; Developing Your Marketing and Promotion Strategy; Developing Relationships: The Key to Success.
ChangingMinds.org: Open Body Language
Psychology Today: There's Magic in Your Smile
*Images courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net.
According to Elmer Miller, famous head of the Tested Selling Institute of the 1930s and 40s, it's not the cow that sells the steak, it's the sizzle. In this analogy, the cow represents the concrete facts and information about your product. In fitness, your cow is information about the health and performance benefits of fitness. The sizzle on the other hand is the excitement you infuse into your sales conversation. It is the aroma, flavor and emotional appeal that makes your customer want to be a part of the fitness community. Sizzle is conveyed in the language, gestures and facial expressions you use when talking about your product.
In order to appeal to your customers on an emotional level, you must first identify their needs. If you can find out why they are interested in your services, you can steer the sales conversation in the right direction. Needs analysis is best done by asking open ended questions that require more than a yes or no response, and then listening attentively to the customer's answers. This strategy will prompt your customer to reveal their underlying purpose for considering your products or services. You can then enthusiastically describe how you are able to meet and exceed their expressed needs.
Once you uncover your customer's needs, be prepared to overcome any objections they may have. The four most common underlying reasons given for not purchasing are no need, no time, no money and lack of trust. If you have done a good job of analyzing needs, you have already eliminated the first objection. Lack of time is the most common excuse people use for not exercising. Explaining how scheduled sessions can fit into their busy agenda, or how a 30-minute circuit three times per week can give them fabulous results will overcome time objections. Focusing on the customer's needs and not on the price will help to overcome financial objections. Remember, they came to talk about fitness, not about money. By anticipating objections in advance of the sales interview, you will easily be able to override them.
Trust is a fundamental requirement for any human relationship. If someone dislikes you, it is probably because they do not trust you. Customers are more likely to buy from you if they sense that your are genuine, and that you really care about them. Verbal language, facial expressions, eye contact and body language are all important elements that customers use to determine whether or not you are trustworthy. Spend time each day practicing your game face in front of the mirror. Think about which adjectives and expressions you can use to convey excitement and sizzle during your sales conversation. Above all, be yourself and show your customers that you really care about meeting their needs.
Do you know how to price your sessions, market your services, and plan your business? Being in business for yourself can be challenging and at times scary. Educating yourself about the business end of fitness is crucial if you are to succeed. W.I.T.S. understands that your love of fitness needs to be matched with some business savvy. We offer numerous courses and certifications that will equip you with business fundamentals, all of them geared specifically to the fitness industry. Get started today with certifications in Fitness Management, Personal Trainer Certification, or with our many Business and Marketing continuing education courses, all at your fingertips.
YouTube.com: Elmer Wheeler – Don't Sell The Steak, Sell the Sizzle
*Images courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net.
As I was preparing to take my certification exam, a trainer at the gym shared with me a very profound tenet of the industry: “Clients don't care how much you know, as long as they know you care.”
Her words have remained with me all these years. There have certainly been times when I clearly saw this dynamic playing out as I interacted with clients. Yet I have also worked with individuals who already possess a respectable command of kinesiology; these are the ones who occasionally challenge my knowledge base, but always in a good way.
What is truly important to a client when seeking out a personal trainer?
Employment of fitness trainers and instructors, including personal trainers, is expected to increase by 13% between 2012-2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (www.bls.gov). This meteoric surge is due in large part to an increase in awareness of the importance of fitness participation at all stages of life. In May 2014, fitness trainers earned a median annual salary of $34,980. The issue confronting budding trainers is to decide which path might maximize earning potential.
Many gyms base a trainer's hourly salary on the number of nationally recognized certifications he holds, and some facilities bump up rates even further for trainers who have earned a college degree in a health-related area. These are the fitness centers that place a high value on the science behind the career, the complete package they can offer to their clients. However, there are just as many, if not more, gyms whose managers base salaries not on higher education but rather on years in the field. Experience, they contend, trumps formal education, which of course is extremely helpful when working with a novice or a seasoned client.
A brief search on the Internet will reveal a multitude of certification options that entitle the bearer to declare himself a “Certified Personal Trainer”, ready to plunge headlong into a fitness career. While several of these are quite reputable, even highly praised within the industry, there are some which most professionals would consider less than comprehensive. Today, most gyms and fitness clubs will not hire an individual to serve in the capacity of a personal trainer without documentation proving his alliance with a certifying body. This not only serves to protect the gym's liability, but also allows the owner to proudly advertise that all of his employees are true professionals.
Operating under the assumption that all of the trainers at a health club are certified by a well-respected organization, what exactly distinguishes one trainer from another? This is where the debate comes into play. Continuing for a moment on the educational path, do clients place a higher value on trainers who are not only certified but college educated? Some individuals, especially those new to the fitness arena, feel they are in better hands with a personal trainer who has taken his chosen career to a higher level than that which a mere weekend-workshop certification can provide.
Indeed, there are many universities offering degrees in areas such as Sports Management, Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, and Physical Education. A typical 4-year course load culminating in such a degree will certainly render a graduate completely capable of enhancing his PT certification's education, thereby extending such knowledge to clients in a useful manner. My own college degree was earned in Microbiology; I am grateful for the education that has enabled me to understand exactly what is happening within the body at a cellular level when it comes to strength training and nutrition. As I share ideas with clients, I am certain they appreciate the depth of knowledge that comes with a Bachelor's of Science degree.
Several years ago, an interesting study was undertaken by Deana I. Melton, Ed.D., CSCS, HFS, at the Human Performance and Leisure Studies Department of North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro. Seeking to address clients' attitudes vis-Ã -vis the performance of their personal trainers, female clients were asked to assess trainers on several variables. Viewpoints were to be given on the following topics:
Upon reviewing the data, the emerging picture revealed an interesting point: if in fact a trainer decides on pursuing higher education, undergraduate exercise science programs might devote more time toward the development of trainers' affective qualities, and that clients would benefit from information about the credentials of personal trainers.
Where does that leave the issue of what we often call “The School of Hard Knocks”, also known as experience on the job? There are still an abundance of trainers who do get hired without having completed a 4-year degree; and if they have been involved in sports their entire lives, will certainly make for positive role models. Every few years, it seems, a new 'toy” or an innovative training style will happen upon the fitness scene. Then, a few years later, it has been discarded in favor of the new hottest trend.
For tried-and-true athletes, those traditional old-school moves – squats, bench presses, pull-up's, dips - are just as impactful today as they were when good old Arnold was at his peak of competitive bodybuilding. For this reason, experience often can be the best teacher. Consistency in covering the basics, hitting all muscle groups, prioritizing rest days, and changing workouts every 4 weeks, will always achieve results.
This is your career, your passion, and you must decide on the optimal path for achieving your desired outcome. Whether you choose a college degree in addition to a recognized certification, or proceed solely upon years of hard work and experience, seek out the most appropriate clientele base to match with your background. The most important caveat to keep in mind: Never Stop Learning!
Check out the CEC courses offered by NFPT.
The post Experience vs. Education: What Do Clients Really Value? appeared first on The NFPT Blog.
The European Personal Training Institute (EPTI) was founded by Toby & Dan Clay in 2014, who both have successful fit-pro businesses since 2000 and 2003 respectively, to address the declining standards of fitness education in the UK. We noticed that training providers were beginning to follow the model of the USA market and offer shorter practical courses with less face to face time and practical experience, using freelance tutors in order to compete on price rather than quality of service.
Having decided that the REPS/ICREPS accreditation was beneficial for graduates wishing to travel and use their qualifications internationally, we decided to offer courses accredited by ICREPS but position ourselves outside of the UK to prevent ourselves from gettng dragged into a low price/ low quality driven service.
As a result, we decided to offer blended learning courses with intensive residential practical courses outside of the UK. In addition to providing the REPS accredited curriculum, we have taken our courses further by providing more tools and skills to enable graduates to establish successful personal training businesses.
The residential practical courses are held in southern Spain to take advantage of the sunny Mediterranean climate and we are able to offer extensive outdoor and bootcamp PT Instructor training. As well as keeping up with these PT trainer industry trends, EPTI also provide Business Supremacy and Online PT Business training, post-graduation, the content of which is unique and not being taught anywhere else in the world on any PT course. Advanced & Master PT Diploma graduates benefit from receiving free enrolment onto this course to help not just with setting up a PT business, but also on how to create a dominant position online too.
Therefore EPTI PT Diploma courses are well suited to individuals who have ideas greater than just personal training, we are looking to attract students that have plans and the individual capabilities and characteristics to become a fitness leader or fitness empire builder.
Another characteristic of the EPTI PT practical courses are that only small numbers of between 10-12 students are enrolled on any one course with a high tutor:student ratio with our dedicated team of tutors, to enable maximum learning. All tutors run their own successful PT companies when not engaged in teaching practical courses.
We have two training campuses in Spain, in Dénia on the Costa Blanca and in Estepona on the Costa del Sol. We are not interested in creating a “conveyor belt” of hastily trained PTs for corporate health clubs, but rather, spend more time qualifying fewer students to a higher standard on courses that we have sold out. We currently offer six practical courses in Spain per year, with two more planned in 2017 when we open our new Malta campus.
Our qualifications are awarded by Active IQ in the UK and the format of our courses is split between online theory learning provided by Active IQ with coursework assignments, followed by the two week residential practical course in Spain. There are a number of different PT Diploma options that students can choose to enrol on, which include various additional CPD courses to meet their career objectives. More information about these courses can be found on our courses page. We provide the option of paying for the courses over four monthly payments.
We believe that our students benefit from a learning experience unrivalled in the UK. Our student testimonials bear witness to a level of service that exceeds their level of expectation. Prompt and detailed support during the online part of the course through Skype, email and telephone; partnered with excellent face to face teaching and coaching on the practical course. We offer the chance for students to partake in PT clinics with members of the public during the practical course, to gain the experience and confidence that only a “live” PT delivery session with strangers, can provide.
We also place a significant importance on outdoor and bootcamp training and techniques to use when delivering these types of workouts, including certifications to instruct and utilise TRX and kettlebells. This all takes place in a fantastic year-round climate in world class outdoor training environments, including the unspoilt local beaches and the high quality campus sports stadium.
Our accommodation is located only 5 minutes from the training campus and 400m from the beach. Residing away from home, students benefit from being away from the stresses and worries of their day-to-day lives and the absence of a stressful commute allows them to concentrate on their learning during these two weeks.
Each student is guaranteed their own bedroom in the luxury apartments and being located in the same apartment complex together, students benefit from a focused learning atmosphere and environment outside of timetabled hours too.
Finally, the unrivalled PT business supremacy training course is worthy of the course price on its own. Built up over years of trial and error and investment of thousands of pounds in our own careers by attending international business and online media marketing courses, the information provided here is tried and tested and possibly the most important part of our course in terms of long term financial benefit to the student.
We are not the cheapest training provider, but we believe strongly that an investment in yourself and your own future career should not be influenced on price alone!
The post The European Personal Training Institute appeared first on European Personal Training Institute.
Everybody knows the “glutes” are the largest muscle in the body. BUTT…they're not just one muscle.
It's time to meet the smallest glute! It seems like an oxymoron doesn't it? small GLUTE.
Gluteus Maximus – 3
Gluteus Medius – 3
Gluteus Minimus – 2
In this article you'll learn about the under-estimated gluteus minimus and how it “keeps the peace”. It's the deepest and smallest of the three glutes, making it the most precise mover. Since the muscle fibers are shorter and fewer than it's sibling, glute max and glute med, it can create more specific movement.
Both parts of your gluteus minimus attach to the anterior (front), superior (top) of the greater trochanter on your femur. This chunk of bone can be felt near the hip socket using your hand. The two parts divert to the lateral (side) surface of the ilium making what looks like a triangle.
The first section attaches to the anterior (front) facing part of the surface.
The second section travels to the medial (side) facing part of the surface.
In this photo of Andy the Skeleton, the pink play-doh represents the attachment sites for both sides of the gluteus minimus. Imagine the muscle fibers running from the top location to the bottom, they make what looks like a peace sign when you hold up two fingers. You could think of this muscle keeping the peace while the larger glutes create large movements…
This is small and simple muscle to explore when it comes to actions, just look at the attachments and remember….
Find the attachments on your own body using your fingers to locate the bony landmarks you see in the photo. Get familiar with the location of the muscle to enhance body awareness. Move your hip into abduction (to the side) and slight flexion (forward) to feel the attachments contract into your fingers. You might have to press a little deeper to feel the ilium attachment since it's beneath gluteus medius.
What motions would cause gluteus minimus to shorten OR lengthen?
Gluteus Minimus Exercises
These exercise all utilize many other muscles than the gluteus minimus. But, when performed slowly with attention on this smaller muscle, you might be able to feel it contract, especially if you stop and hold the position for a moment.
When you exercise, think about the attachments of the muscle. Visualize it shortening and lengthening. Do this by going more slowly through the motions. Remember, this muscle works with precision and when overridden by larger muscles it might not do much work at all. This is why doing smaller, isolated exercises as a part of your workout routine is smart to create more stability and balance in your body.
Learn about gluteus maximus and gluteus medius.
Join NFPT at the Idea World Fitness Convention on July 14th & 15th to get hands-on experience learning anatomy using Andy the Skeleton and balloons.
Abrahams, P.H. et al. 2003. McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy. London: Elseiver.
Muscolino, Joseph E. 2004. Musculoskeletal Anatomy Coloring Book. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby, Inc.
The post Gluteus minimus: three of three glutes appeared first on The NFPT Blog.
Summer has arrived and everyone is moving outside. My outdoor bootcamp and yoga classes are booming and clients are requesting to workout in the park. The fresh air and sunshine is great for mental clarity and it just feels so good. You know to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays by slathering on the sunscreen, but have you ever checked the label to see what you are smearing all over your body?
Products that you put directly on your skin are absorbed within seconds into your bloodstream. 26 seconds to be exact. Wow! This is how those nicotine and birth control patches work. Being conscious of what you put on your skin should really have you thinking. Especially since the FDA does little to regulate the assurance of safe products going onto the shelf in your local store. You can get food with red #5 dye and trans fats. Trust me, this isn't any different.
Now what? You are convinced that you want to avoid overloading your skin with harmful chemicals just like you avoid processed food, but you aren't sure what to look for. According to the EWG (Environmental Working Group), here are the top ingredients that are commonly listed on sunscreen that you want to avoid. Go check your beach bag for the following:
So now that you know what to avoid, here are some things you can do protect yourself safely this summer:
1. Sunscreen made from zinc oxide
Studies on zinc oxide show no signs of hormone disruption. This sunscreen shields your delicate skin by reflecting away the harmful UV rays so they don't ever penetrate your skin. Make sure you reapply after swimming or sunbathing every hour so you stay protected.
2. Protective clothing and accessories
Using items that will shield you from the sun like hats, sunglasses, swim shirts and beach umbrellas can keep your skin from burning to a crisp. Combine these with sunscreen for added protection. You wouldn't disregard your seatbelt just because you have airbags in your car right?
3. Avoid peak hours
The sun is at it's strongest generally from the hours of 11a-2p. Participating in activities before or after these times allows you to avoid prime time sun.
Absorb more sunny goodness: 5 Tips for Working out in the Summer Heat
The post Outdoors Much? 3 Dangerous Chemicals To Avoid In Sunscreen appeared first on The NFPT Blog.
We are excited to announce the opening of our 2nd campus on Spain's fantastic Costa Del Sol.
Located halfway between Gibraltar and Marbella, our Estepona campus offers World Class training facilities allowing us to continue providing the Gold Standard in fitness courses to an even greater audience in Europe and Spain.
If you would like more information please call 0034 6330 94619 or send us an email.
Toby Clay
European Personal Training Institute
The post New Costa Del Sol Campus Opening March 2017! appeared first on European Personal Training Institute.