There is a lot more to marketing than posting on social media or putting up fliers in your neighborhood. You need a strategy that will maximize your efforts to build your customer base. Try the RIPPED approach to get the most bang for your advertising bucks.
Before you start drumming up customers, take a few hours to do some research. Find out the demographics in your area, such as average age, household income, and family status. Locate other businesses in the same area who offer fitness products or services and learn more about what is available. Look for deficiencies in available services, as well as market saturation. Secret-shop your competitors for fees and prices.
Once you know what's out there, identify the goods and services your business will provide, along with the demographics of your target market. How can you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What services are not being offered, or which demographic is being underserved? What is the secret sauce that will attract clients and customers to your business?
Use the data and statistics you have gathered through your research to determine the best price point for your products. If you charge too much, you may lose customers to the competition. If you charge too little, potential clients may question whether the price reflects the value. People are willing to pay more to get more, up to a point.
Once you have a clear picture of what you are selling, to whom you are selling, and how much you will charge, you are ready to promote. Whichever medium you use to advertise, be it print, social media or traditional media, your promotional materials should convey professionalism. Think carefully about elements of design like images, colors, font and content.
Your promotional materials should contain just enough information to grab the viewer's attention and educate them about your business. Too much text can take away from the impact of your ad. Use powerful graphics that convey a message, and be sure to provide contact information. Adding hyperlinks that take the viewer to your web page makes it easy for them to learn more.
The best marketing in the world will not grow your business if you are unable to deliver the promised products or services. Before you start advertising, be sure you have the space, equipment and ability to meet customers' demands. Outstanding delivery will generate more business as your customers rave about your great customer service!
Getting the word out about the awesome services you offer calls for some creative marketing strategies. As always, W.I.T.S. is on the cutting edge of the fitness biz with dozens of courses to help you succeed. Visit our Fitness Business Institute page to get an overview. For marketing strategies, check out the following continuing education courses: Developing Your Marketing and Promotion Strategy, Insider Secrets of Advertising and Marketing for the Successful Fitness Professional, Identifying Your Products and Services, Establishing Your Brand and Image, and many more!