Networking is the most valuable resource you have at your disposal as a business owner and a fitness professional. By managing your network effectively and getting into a habit of network cultivation, your network should work for you and serve as your primary lead source, connecting you to a stream of new clients. Let’s start by establishing a network that you can use to help grow your business and move forward with. To begin, make a list of everyone you know… this is known as a NETWORK DUMP. Stage 1: List everybody you know, not making any pre-judgement about whether you think that they would make a good client or not. • Start with the contacts in your mobile phone. Gather all the contact Information you have for them and anything else you know about them. If you are missing anything, such as their email or address, make it your business to obtain it. Next, open up your e-mail address book and do the same thing. Now search your Facebook friends and list those that live in close proximity to you. Finally, think about all the people you have a passing contact with and have formed some sort of relationship with, but maybe on not such a regular basis (eg your hairdresser, doctor, dentist etc.) We are aiming to come up with a list of 250 names. Its been documented that everybody knows at least 250 other people. You will begin by introducing your business to this 250 person network. These people in turn will have their own “250” network, so that you can potentially reach 62,500 people who you can go on to introduce our business to and potentially build some sort of business with. Stage 2: Organise your list into A/B/C Categories. • The “A”s: Are the top 10-15% of your 250. They are your clients who really advocate what you do, your close friends and people that really know you. • The “B”s: Are people you would consider as friends and clients that you don’t have such a strong a relationship with. • The “C”s: Are acquaintances. Let’s now take a look at the strategies we use to deal with each category – • “A”s : Ask for Advice! We have found that the best way of obtaining a referral from this group is to sit down over a coffee when they’re not rushed and ask them for advice…. Sure, you can ask them straight out to refer a friend, but basically you’re asking them to do your job for you and we like to be a little more tactile than this. When you ask somebody for advice, you’re basically giving them a pat on the back… you’re telling them that you really value your opinion. That’s such a powerful compliment to pay somebody, as well as a boost to their ego. So, if they are a client that you really enjoy training, you want to tell them that you really enjoy training them and give them […]
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