Friday, May 1, 2015

11 Ways to Lose Weight (and Still Have Fun) This Weekend

If you're tired of overdoing it all weekend long and starting from square one on Monday, you're not alone. The good news is you can stick with your healthy game plan, continue to lose weight, and have an awesome weekend. All it takes is a little planning and willpower.

  1. Eat carbs in the morning: You can have your carbs - and eat them, too! - but try to enjoy them at breakfast or brunch, says trainer Bob Harper. When you eat carbs earlier in the day, "You'll know you'll have time to burn them off," he adds.
  2. Plan an exercise date: Instead of heading for another meal out, grab a friend and hit up a workout. The time will fly by, you'll spend time together, and you'll be far less likely to bail if your plan is already in place.
  3. Do restaurant research: Before heading out with friends to a new restaurant, check out your options ahead of time. As you walk through the front door, you should be confident that there's something on the menu for your needs.
  4. Drink more water: Many people confuse hunger and thirst, so keep your water bottle handy at all times. It will also help you pace yourself at meals, stay healthy, and not overdo it when there's alcohol around, especially if you practice water backing when you're out.
  5. Go for a long workout: Even squeezing in a quick workout during the week can be rough, so schedule a longer weekend workout. Hit up a hike, go to a 90-minute dance class, or head out for the challenging run you've been putting off.
  6. Don't hold out for a big meal: When you sit down to a special meal famished, you're far more likely to overeat and overdrink. Not to mention, withholding yourself from the nutrients and calories your body needs for fuel seriously messes with your metabolism.
  7. Don't overbooze at brunch: When inhibitions are lowered with a few mimosas or Bloody Marys, it's easy to overeat without realizing - and need a nap right after the meal. Linger on a single cocktail throughout the meal; your body will thank you.
  8. Keep portions in check: There's no reason you can't enjoy favorite foods over the weekend! But if you have a hard time slowing down or pushing the plate away, it's essential to keep portions in control. If you're really craving something, go for a half order or split it with friends.
  9. Have a before-and-after plan: After you have a big meal or fun night out, set yourself up for success by planning out your workout and healthy meals for the following day. This is the best way to indulge guilt-free.
  10. Make sleep a priority: Instead of staying up and out late, make sure you're getting (at least) seven hours of shut-eye. Not only does lack of sleep affect your mood, but it also affects your levels of hunger-regulating hormones, which can mess with your weight-loss goals.
  11. Have some fun! Stress triggers the body to eat more - especially foods high in sugar and fat - so leave plenty of time to relax and unwind. Not only will this help you on your weight-loss journey, but it will also make sure you return to work refreshed.

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