Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Utilizing National Running Day as a Personal Trainer

National Running Day is held annually on the first Wednesday in June. It is a day when runners everywhere declare their passion for running. Since 2009, the country’s foremost running organizations have worked together to celebrate running with thousands of participants on the first Wednesday of June. The purpose of the day is to take strides toward leading healthier, fitter lives.

The question becomes, how can you as a personal trainer use health and fitness related days like this to your advantage? Here are just a few ways you can utilize days like this:

Host an event for your area.

People love having planned fitness functions like Color Runs and other types of “Fun Runs”. Utilize this day to coordinate a run. Maybe even put all proceeds to a charity. It is a great way for your name to be out there.

Encourage your clients.Man Running

What a fantastic way to get your clients making fitness an everyday part of their lives. Suggesting they partake in an event on days like today gives them the ownership of their fitness instead of completely relying on you. It is also a great way for your clients to get out and show the world what you’ve been doing with them and their fitness goals. This, in turn, also gets your name out there.

Raising health and fitness awareness in your area.

A fitness-related day like today gives you an excuse to get into the schools and talk to kids about exercising and being healthy. It could also be a great way to get into bigger, corporate buildings and speak to business people in your city about staying healthy. All of this provides you with potential clients, young and old.

Offer reduced rates and referral offers.

Use days like today to open up your gym to people who normally wouldn’t step foot inside. Tell people since its National Running Day, you are offering the public to a free training session. You can even tell your clients they’ll get reduced rates for referring others to you on this day. If you go on a run with your clients, tell them to bring any friends or family they want. This gets you introductions to new potential clients.

There are plenty of ways to utilize today for fitness and for your business. What are some other ways you could use fitness-related days like today for your benefit?

The post Utilizing National Running Day as a Personal Trainer appeared first on The NFPT Blog.

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