Thursday, May 5, 2016

National Small Business Week: Keeping small businesses healthy

It's National Small Business Week. As we recognize and celebrate the contributions small businesses make - like job creation, innovation, and global competitiveness - it's important to think about health care options.

Image: Small business owner offering affordable health insurance to employees

If you're the owner of a business with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees, you have choices that can make insurance more affordable, flexible, and easy to enroll in.

The Small Business Health Options Program can help

The Small Business Health Options Program (also known as SHOP) can help your small business offer quality health insurance that meets your employees' needs and stays within budget.

5 benefits of SHOP

  1. Access to tax credits: Buying coverage through the SHOP Marketplace is the only way for you to take advantage of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit. The smallest employers can save 50% of the cost of their premiums.

  2. Control over costs: The SHOP Marketplace lets you decide up front how much to contribute to premiums. Plans can't charge higher premiums because of higher medical costs or pre-existing conditions.

  3. Year-round enrollment: You generally can sign up for coverage any month of the year. So it's easy to offer employees insurance when it's right for the business.

  4. Flexible coverage options: There's a variety of plans available. You can let your employees choose among several (if they want to) so employees can select a plan that's right for them.

  5. Support: Get in-person assistance from agents and brokers or trained navigators. They can help make the buying process even simpler. You can also contact the SHOP Call Center at 1-800-706-7893 (TTY: 711) weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

Get more information

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