Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How Victoria's Secret Angel Candice Swanepoel Stays in Shape

How does Candice Swanepoel sculpt her Victoria's Secret body? Self has her favorite no-equipment moves.

Supermodel Candice Swanepoel is nothing short of amazing. She shares her secrets for staying hot, happy and healthy with SELF - including the top bodyweight exercises that make her feel and look her best from her trainer, ModelFit's Justin Gelband. Read on to learn the SELF cover star's do-anywhere, travel-friendly exercises.

Micro-Squat: "I like to focus on my thighs and bum, so I do a lot of squats," Swanepoel says. Stand with feet together, arms extended, and squat, lowering two inches per count for three counts. Hold, then rise on a three count. Repeat, first with feet shoulder-width apart, then with feet together, then apart again. That's one rep; do 10.

Leg Pulse: "The smaller the motions, the better the results," Gelband says. Lie on left side, left arm bent under head, left leg extended, right leg perpendicular at hip. Use your glutes to pulse right leg up and down 20 times, moving it slightly toward left foot with each rep. Switch sides; repeat.

One-Two Punch: "When I punch, I use my arms and core," Swanepoel says. Stand with feet hip-width apart, left leg just in front of right, fists at chin, elbows in. As you rotate and pivot right foot, punch right arm across body until arm is 75 percent extended. Return to start. Then throw a left hook by raising left elbow to shoulder height, arm bent 90 degrees, rotating through hips. Return to start; do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

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