Friday, May 20, 2016

NFPT Trainer Spotlight: Vincent Russo

Vincent is involved in the Men's Health Ultimate Guy Contest and needs our votes! Click the link and click “Vote”, up and left from the picture. Let's get an NFPT Trainer to win this thing! Here's a little bit about Vincent:

How long have you been certified with NFPT?Vincent Russo 1

2 years

Why did you choose NFPT?

NFPT showed the best “Bang for my Buck.” Very reasonably priced providing high quality information needed to make me successful in this career

What made you decide to become a personal trainer?

I was always working out with a lot of random people who asked me to, I was always asked about form and particular gym hacks, to help guide someone through a full workout, give advice and tips, to develop customized workout plans, and provide nutritional guidance. I figured, my time is valuable so why not get the credentials and get a job that is in line with my passion.

What is the biggest challenge for you as a personal trainer?

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a personal trainer was when a long term client sustained an injury, non-gym related, and persistently Vincent 2tried to work through the pain. I was able to tell something was wrong right away and advised them to rest and recover as well as seek out some medical attention. This client chose not to listen and over time inevitably caused me to drop them as a client as their decision went against my morals.

What is your biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry?

My biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry was becoming a Sponsored Athlete with which then led me to become a Sponsored Athlete with Grenade. So officially, I am a Team Athlete with two esteemed companies that are actively involved in the fitness industry.

What has been your most rewarding experience as a personal trainer?

As a personal trainer this allowed me to follow my other passion which is nutrition. I started up my own nutrition planning business which allows me to effect the lives of so many people around the world (as I don't have to be face to face to develop plans). From this experience I have been able to provide plans for parents who just want energy to play with their kids, people that want to lose body fat (I don't like to say lose weight), people involved in physique competitions, and others with metabolic disorders. My most Vincent 3rewarding experience was with one client in particular who had an A1C level of 6.8 which indicated that she was a diabetic! After 4 months of work with me, she lost only 6lbs of “scale weight” but had and A1C level of 5.7 which is now considered only at a RISK of having diabetes, being 0.1 away from being considered to have normal A1C levels!  She was so thankful and grateful for what we did together, it will leave and everlasting impression on my fitness career.

Any advice for people thinking about a career in fitness?

Be passionate with what you do. Making money is one thing, but don't let that be your motivation. If you're in it only for the money then you're in to wrong profession and it will show sooner or later. You need to care for your clients and not just see them as pay checks. The impact you have on their life reflects your character. Make sure you leave a positive mark on the lives of the people you encounter and they will be forever grateful to have met you.


Again, go vote for Vincent for the 2016 Men's Health Ultimate Guy Contest!

The post NFPT Trainer Spotlight: Vincent Russo appeared first on The NFPT Blog.

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