Monday, July 18, 2016

Close 9 out of 10 Leads With The EPTI Personal Training Sales Script

Today I'm going to share with you the same sales script I have been using for over a decade.

I paid a high-end sales consultant to create it for me, it cost me a few thousand dollars, but the money it's generated my fitness businesses has paid me back a 1000 times over.

Once I learned this simple sales process selling became easy, so easy that I would easily convert 9 out of every 10 leads into a paying client.

(Please note: I only use this method for 1-1 personal training, I use another system for boot camps, which I'll explain in another article).Capture

One of the reasons this sales script works so well is because it's so natural, when you follow the script it's just like sitting down with a friend chatting over a coffee. People hate pushy sales people, people don't want to be sold to… people want to buy. There is a big difference!

Whenever someone tries to sell me anything my guard goes up and I can't get away quick enough, but I have no problem buying from someone if they have the solution I need.

If a trainer is too pushy it stinks of desperation, so I recommend you use the 'consultative selling' approach.

The consultative selling approach is where you ask a series of qualifying questions that will establish if what you have to offer will be a good fit for them.

By 'pulling back' slightly your prospect will subconsciously want to train with you even more (humans want what they can't have).

The prospect should be speaking 70% of the time, the one who does the least talking is in control of the conversation (and you should be the one in control).

Always be asking them questions, if they ask you a question give them a brief answer and ask them why that question is important to them – turn it around so they're talking again.

The more questions you ask the more they talk, the more they talk, the more pain you'll find, the more pain you find the more likely they'll begin training. The only reason you won't make a sale is because you've failed to find their pain!

personal training sales scriptWhat's great about this method is that we can eliminate all their objections before they occur. Here are some of the most popular;

  • I have to check with my husband/wife/partner

  • It's too expensive

  • I'm too busy

  • I have to think about it

I will always qualify my prospect over the phone, then meet with them for a face to face consultation.

By asking your prospect a set of qualifying questions over the phone you can weed out the tyre kickers and only meet with the best leads.

There are 3 things we need to establish before we meet with a prospect face to face;

  1. PAIN/PLEASURE: There are two reasons people buy. To avoid pain or to move towards pleasure. Your job is to find out what motivates them.

  2. INVESTMENT: Do they have the financial/effort/time investment to participate in our program.

  3. DECISION: Will they be in a position to decide yes/no if we meet them for a consultation.

So, on the phone…

Get their name at the beginning of the call and use it throughout the conversation to build rapport.

“Thanks for calling {name}. In order to help me with your enquiry do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

Get their permission to ask questions early on they will be more open to you.

“How can I help you today?”

They will give you a basic answer like 'I want a personal trainer', but we need to dig deeper and find out their real reason, the thing that keeps them up at night worrying.


“So, why do you want to hire a personal trainer?”

Now they'll give you an answer like “I want to lose weight' or “I want to build muscle'. But we want to know the real reason.

“Why do you want to lose weight?”

“Why do you want to build muscle?”

So we keep asking; why, what, where and how questions to keep digging further…

“Why do you want to lose weight?”

“What will happen if you don't lose weight?”

“Where would you like to lose the weight?”

“How will you feel if you don't lose weight?”

(Make sure you write everything down for later use).

The 'real reason' they're calling will be because…

  • They can't get a boyfriend/girlfriend

  • They've gained 20 pounds and their partner is no attracted to them

  • They're worried they won't live another 10 years and see their kids grow up etc etc.

These are the real reasons, the emotional reasons, the things that keep them up at night worrying. And this is what you need to uncover.

Keep asking them open-ended questions;

“There are lot's of people 20 pounds overweight, why is it important you lose it?”

“How will it make you feel in 12 months if you're still 20 pounds overweight?”

Ideally you want to find prospects with a BIG REASON WHY, these people will do whatever it takes to get in shape and will follow your program closely.


Next we want to make sure they're willing to invest in our program, can they're afford our services and do they have the time and energy to follow the program?

You don't want to come across as though it's all about the money, so keep mixing in questions that you'll need to know anyway like the time of day and what town they'd like to train in.

“You'll need to train at least 3 times per week, is this something you can do?”

“To reach your goals you'll need to follow the program for at least 3-months, is this something you're willing to do?”

“The price will be approximately $400-$500 per month, is this within your budget?”


O.k. so we've discovered their pain and if they're willing to invest in the program. Now it's time for them to make a decision.

“If we met for a consultation do you need to discuss with your wife/husband/partner to get started or is the decision up to you?”

(If they do need to discuss with someone else, ask them to speak with the person before booking a consultation or get them to bring them along as well).

“So, I have the following time slots available to meet for a consultation (give them 3-4 different options). What works best for you?

Never get too attached to the sale and always be willing to walk away if the prospect doesn't meet your criteria.

Whenever I have broken my own set of rules I've always regretted it. Not all clients are equal and you must actively weed out anyone that will be a pain in the arse to deal with later on.

Click the like button below to download the sales script, use it as a guide and try not to read it word for word… the more sales presentations you'll do the more natural it will become.

During the Consultation…

Using the set of notes I took during the telephone call I run through everything we have already discussed. I continue discussing their pain/pleasure points to get them back in an emotional state (people buy on emotion NOT logic).

I then begin setting timeframes and mapping out a plan of action we'll take together, this will get them excited.

Then I ask them the following question (this is really important for the close);

“What are you looking for from a personal trainer?”

They will give you list like; 'I need someone to motivate me”, “I need someone to help with my nutrition”, “I need someone to show me what to do” etc.

Take your pen and paper and as they run through their list say…

“yep I can do that”

“yes – I'll motivate you”

“yes – I have nutrition plans for you to follow”.

By pre-qualifying your prospects over the phone, removing all their objections early before they arise, and meeting all their criteria for what they're looking for in a personal trainer, I can use an assumptive close.

Wikipedia: Assumptive close: also known as the presumptive close, in which the salesperson intentionally assumes that the prospect has already agreed to buy, and wraps up the sale.

Now is the time to book them in for their first session and to fill in the PARQ, credit card details and any other info you need.

“So {name}, I have the following timeslots available (give them 3-4 options), what day is best for you?”

Like I said earlier, following this sales script I closed at least 9 out of every 10 prospects, take some time to learn it, the more practice you get the natural your delivery will become, the more natural it becomes the confident you'll get and closing sales presentations becomes easy!

The post Close 9 out of 10 Leads With The EPTI Personal Training Sales Script appeared first on European Personal Training Institute.

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